Teams WILL arrive at the Race site (Cottonwood Complex at ASSIGNED time intervals)
Once a Classification of teams arrive at the race site, coaches of these teams will guide their teams to an area of the park, separating into groups of less than 50, wearing masks and maintaining social distancing.
Coaches (ONLY) will approach the race/timing area to pick up their team packet with timing chips and pins.
Coaches will then return to their designated team area in the park with their teams’ packet and timing chips and pins.
Coaches will then distribute the timing chips and pins to their runners.
Coaches will then lead their team that is scheduled to run in the race to the starting line. (example Boys’ team)
The rest of the team (not running), (example Girls’ team) will stay at the team’s designated site, wearing masks and maintaining social distancing.
There WILL be NO finishing chute. Once a runner has crossed the finish line, they MUST return to their teams designated site, recover, put a mask on and maintain social distancing. (staying at the team’s site, not wandering off unless it is to utilize the rest room).
After (example) the boy’s team has finished the race. They will return and stay at the team’s designated site, maintaining social distancing while wearing masks.
Coaches will then lead the next team (example Girls’ team) to the start line for their race.
After both team’s per classification have run, coaches will gather ALL timing chips, put them back into the return packet and take the packet back to the race/timing area. After returning the packets, coaches will be given any medals or trophies earned by their teams.
When packets have been returned and awards earned have been picked up, teams will clean up their designated area and head to their buses to leave the invitational site and head home.
After a classification of teams have left the park (example 6A, the next classification of teams (example 5A) will arrive at the park ready for their races which will proceed in the same format as the previous races.
Our goal is to appropriately space the participants in each race and classifications in order to comply/adhere to the guidelines/restrictions mandated by the Salt Lake Parks & Rec.
Coaches WILL be in-charge and responsible for their own teams, making sure that they follow the guidelines mandated for this event.
Cottonwood Complex